Monkstown Montessori Monkstown Montessori Monkstown Montessori Monkstown Montessori Monkstown Montessori

Summer is nearly here

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We have been busy in school over the last while. We held a very successful Open Day on Wednesday 4th June and all our new children that are starting in September met each other and had fun in the classroom. We still have 2 places left so get in touch if you are interested in your child starting with us in the Autumn.

A delivery of caterpillars arrived and they gobbled up all their special food and and are now currently in their cocoons and we will be transferring them to the butterfly garden this week. We hope to see them emerge from their cocoons in the next few weeks. It is lovely to see the life cycle of the butterfly in real time!

All our teddy bears came to our teddy bears picnic last Friday and we had our picnic in the garden and the sun shone for the most part! We had fun chatting about our favourite cuddlies and enjoyed seeing our friends teddys!

We are going to Glenroe farm on the 26th for our annual school tour. Let’s hope the sun shines!

The very next day, 27th June is our last day of term and we will have a bouncy castle in the garden and our little graduation ceremony, we are busy learning a special song for all our friends!