Monkstown Montessori Monkstown Montessori Monkstown Montessori Monkstown Montessori Monkstown Montessori

Summer 2017

Summer is almost here! Yippee!!

We had our Open Day 2017 on Wednesday 7th June and it was a great success. We met our lovely new pupils and everyone had a lovely afternoon and happily went home with bubbles and a balloon. We look forward to seeing all of our children again in late August.

We went on our school trip to Glenroe Farm on 23rd May and what a fabulous sunny fun day we had there. We had lots of help from our super mums and the children were led around and introduced to all the animals by Eric. We held hamsters, gerbils and rabbits too!

Our school photos were taken this year by Cool for School Photography and the proofs arrived and they are amazing!

Our Teddy Bears picnic is coming up next week and then we will be having two special Fundays on Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th June with lots of entertainment and excitement!